Recently, in my tiny lab, I've been playing with HV stuffs. Lots of fun!
As the byproduct, I just built something which can provide tiny thrust. I don't know what to call it.
It could be an air ionizer, ozone generator, particle accelerator, lifter, or a blade-less fan.
I choose 'blade-less fan' as the title cause it sounds more catchy... Lol!!
Here's the vid:
As I increase the duty cycle, the HV output goes up. Thus, providing more thrust.
But, if I crank it up higher, the HV sparks is all over the place.
The fan performance is limited to the HV leaks.
It's still a primitive experiment though.
For the next design, I'm planning to use more emitter and better HV insulation.
As usual, tell me what y'all opinion! Any feedback is greatly appreciated.