Most of them were from old UPS and discarded LA-Batteries...
I'm intended to reuse those batteries for energy storage purposes...
So, instead of throw it away, I decided to research on the internet for any good mod to do...
I found hell lot of interesting stuffs!! To name the few, it's including Bedini Motor, Inductive-Desulphator, Resistive-Desulphator (Thanks Anwar.Sheikh!!), EDTA stuffs, Epsom salt, Pulse Charger and bunch of other excellent informations...
I also searched very-hardly about Capacitive-Desulphator...
Unfortunately, not even single page come out...
So, I decided to design it by myself...
Here's are several photos:
Here's the scope shot...
Currently, the circuit working perfectly...
Even with just 1-day test-run, the circuit shows obvious effect on the batteries...
I'll keep y'all updated later, and, I will post the circuit soon after I done drawing it...
Tell me what ya think!!